The Triadic Playground
Study for a public sculpture. Ø15 m.
We are Homo Sapiens, the ‘wise man’, because knowledge is our most defining trait, but the process of how knowledge is acquired and shared, is represented by two other traits, Homo Ludens (‘play’) and Homo Faber (‘make’). Making, like building and fabricating, is a means of controlling our surroundings, of shaping it to our needs, while playing is a means of sharing and creating knowledge. The interplay of these traits generates knowledge and meaning for both the individual and society. In short, it is this triad of traits that allows us to understand and act upon our world.
The playground is -
- a place to be explored mentally, physically or both, and constitutes mental and physical exercise.
- a field of free play, where rules are not provided.
- a representation of the social dynamics of knowledge, between individuals and of their interplay with society.
- a place for gathering with others or for being alone, for interaction or introspection.
- an astrolabe that helps you find your way, within yourself and within society.
Digital visualizations: 88Idee, Torino.